Alexandrian Tradition - Founded in England during
the 1960's. Alex Sanders called himself the "King" of his Witches. The rituals are said to be modified Gardenarian.
British Traditional Witchcraft - A mix of Celtic and Gardenarian beliefs.
The most famous organization at this time was the International Red Garters. British Traditional move mostly from within the
Farrar studies (the famous Witch husband and wife from England).
Celtic Wicca - Use of Celtic/Druidic pantheon mixed with some Gardnerian.
Stresses the elements, nature, and the Ancient Ones. Respect for healing and magickal qualities of plants and stones,
flowers, trees, elemental spirits, the little people, gnomes, and fairies.
Caledonii Tradition - Formally known as the Hecatine Tradition. Origionated
from the Scottish.
Ceremonial Witchcraft - Lots of ceremonial magick. Detailed rituals with some
Egyptian magick are sometimes a favorite. Sometimes use Qabbalistic magick.
Dianic Tradition - First "pinpointed" by Margaret Murray in 1921 in "The Witch-Cult
in Western Europe,". Mixture of many traditions. Focus majorly on recent years on the Goddess. Sometimes called "feminist"
movement in the Craft.
Eclectic Witchcraft - Indicates that the individual does not follow any particular
Tradition, denomination, sect, or practice. Learn and study from many systems and apply to themselves what appears to work
Gardnerian Tradition - Organized by Gerald Gardner in England in the 1950's.
Gerald was one of the few people who wanted to keep the Old Religion from dying that he publicized it through the media. He
thought that the young needed the Craft as much as the Craft needed a new generation to keep going.
* * Note: * * Alexandrian and Gardnerin Traditions are usually
not as vocal as others. They are careful about screening and practicing the Craft. Therefore, if you're ever invited to join
a circle, do not expect the High Priest/Priestess to spill his/her guts during your first encounter.
Hereditary Witchcraft - (aka Family Trads) A person who can trace the Craft
through their family tree. Has been taught the Old Religion by a relative who was living at the same time.
Kitchen Witchcraft - Practices by hearth and home, dealing with the practical
side of religion, magick, the earth and the elements.
Pictish Witchcraft- Scottish Witchcraft. Coordinates with nature (animal,
vegetable, and mineral). Mainly magickal in nature with little religion.
Pow-Wow - South Central Pennylvania. System, not religion!! Based
on 400-year-old Elite German magick. Simple faith healing. Roots in German Witchcraft. Few follow the Craft or even know the
nature of its true birth.
Satanic Witch - It's not possible to be a Satanic Witch. Witches do not believe
in Satan.
Seax-Wica - Founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973. Raymond developed a Tradition
and wrote multiple textbooks on magickal aspects and practices.
Solitary Witch - One practices alone, regardless of Tradition, denomination,
or sect. Various forms. Also known as "Natural Witch".
Strega Witches - Follows a tradition in Italy beginning around in 1353 with
a woman called Aradia. Smallest in number in the US. Teachings are beautiful and should not be missed.
Teutonic Witch - People who speak the Germanic group of languages. Included
the English, Dutch, Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish peoples. AKA Nordic Tradition.