Anglo-Saxon Celtic Runes
Symbols & Meanings
Ceud M`ile Failte' & Merry Meet!
This from
Fortune City.
FEHU - Cattle
The individual's potential creative energies which can be used to create wealth.
Relationship Interpretation:
The financial prospect in this relationship
and the attitudes of the partners.
This is what the community considers wealth. The commodity of the PectiWiccans & Nordic peoples before a
currency was established, and you better believe that they sacrificed one of the herd now and then to keep the goddesses happy.
;-) The important reminder is to always be thankful and humble when things are well in the economy. Meditation focuses on
a type of thanksgiving for what has been acquired and not to squander when things are plentiful. Appreciate that there will
be a rainy day by the rules of cycles and to prepare for it.
URUZ - Brute Strength
The individual's physical strength, endurance and assertiveness.
Relationship Interpretation:
Endurability of the relationship.
The strength of the wild animal is desired by the best warriors. The notion of living to survive and to know
the possibility of death and to accept it as the simple answer to what life is. Meditation is knowing that life is to be lived
at full speed and to live life for life. When your life is over, a new life will begin in your place on earth and you will
go on. A person who lives like this has no regrets of a premature death, for each day was fully lived.
THURISAZ - The Seeing of Things to Pass
The strength of the individual's will and the opposing will power from the environment.
Relationship Interpretation: General conflict area; battle of wills.
There is a controversy of the meaning of this rune. Some note the negative forces of the dark side ourselves.
Some say that it represents the ugly things like demons, trolls and giants. Overall these may be in the same area of meaning.
There is a dark side that we must take control of in ourselves to break free of them and not become them. Be careful on the
meditation. Focus mainly on the identification and overcoming of the darker sides of things inside and outside ourselves.
ANSUZ - Messages and Signals
Higher sources of communications from either within or outside the self. Relationship Interpretation:
Interpersonal communication.
Noting marks tell us where we are and what action we should take from this point. The Ash tree is represented
here and this is a strong tree, usually weathering storms and leaving clues of its battles. We grow as we weather our own
storms and the perceptive person can read the marks of our environment. The meditation here is to focus on the marks on our
past to direct us in our future plans.
RAIDO - Journeys
You ability to relate and connect; the amount of control you feel you can exert on your life. Relationship
Interpretation: The fights of the individual within the relationship.
There was always a time when a far traveled journey must be taken. Sometimes it is a spiritual journey and sometimes
it is physical. Anxiety is always a factor, some positive and some negative. Journeys are a type of calling for a learning.
Meditate on what is the right time and method of your particular journey. Identify if the higher forces are telling you that
it is time to learn away from your home base. Most journeys are favorable in retrospect.
KENO aka Kenaz - An Opening
One's knowledge and capabilities, vision and guidance. Relationship Interpretation: Learning
from each other.
When you are in the darkness, an opening with light is the best and most gracious thing to have bestowed upon
you. This is a great time for putting energies into new opportunities. Meditation revolves around seeing out of seemingly
dark situations for there is a way out of every situation. Focus on what the action is and invest energies into breaking through.
GEBO - The Gift of Harmonic Relationships
Your attitude towards giving and receiving. Relationship Interpretation: Give
and take.
When we acknowledge our higher power and in turn the higher power gives back to us, then we have harmony. This
is a great representation of the working of karma. Good things come in return for good deeds. We need to meditate on the magic
of working with knowing our spiritual forces and treating them as we want a pleasing and easy environment to allow us to set
us up for good things to come. There is a strong showing for respect of nature.
WUNJO - Bliss and Glory
Your potential for enjoyment and her/his chances of being successful. Relationship Interpretation:
This can mean a lot of aspects of joy, but mainly it is the lack of need and lack of pain. It is the realization
of what you have worked for and the temporary enjoyment of all your goods. Being in this mind frame sometimes induces a separate
state of mind. It is a good meditation to realize where you are now and what you have and being satisfied to the point of
bliss. Preparation for meditation is not needed when a tough task is completed.
HAGALAZ - Destructive Forces
Disruptive forces creating change in one's consciousness. Relationship Interpretation: Unconscious
influences operating within the relationship. Past experiences in other relationships including projections from parents.
This is an acknowledgement of the force of nature at its worst. The Vikings had many a harsh winter and year-round
poor weather. Months of work could be ruined by an act of nature. This also represents those things that are out of our control.
We should meditate on the acceptance of the tough times brought on by the seasons. We cannot control everything that goes
on around, so we should to learn to "let go and let G-d" as the saying goes.
NAUTHIZ aka Naudiz - The Negatives of Human Needs
Restrictive forces and unacknowledged needs; that which tends to hold
you back. Relationship Interpretation: Areas of restriction; possessiveness and mutual needs.
It was at the hardest times that the true meaning of what is needed for survival is missed the most. It was
at these times that misery sometimes was the only companion. The proof of how delicate we really are in this sometimes harsh
world comes clear in the mind. One should meditate how bad things can really get and what things are not needed to maintain
true survival at the deepest times of need.
ISA - Ice and Freezing
Blockages, frustrations and any hindrances. Relationship Interpretation: Privacy. The areas in
the relationship which are not shared.
There are dangers of the cold. Slippery ice and freezing weather were well regarded in these northern regions.
This is a powerful rune for the rune spell caster, for the one who understands this force can have great power of influence.
Meditate on the physics of nature and notice the slowing of all things when the cold is omnipresent.
JERA - The Cycle of One Year
The time factor in your development. Relationship Interpretation: Long-term influences upon
each other.
As many of the farmers know, crops are not impulsive or an overnight success. Usually a period of time must
pass before on can count the blessings and success of the harvest. The meditation here is very simple. Persistence and foresight
must be used to see what is to come from a venture. Most good things do not come from a short period of time like a season.
EIWAZ aka Eiwhaz - Yew Tree
The ability to achieve one's desires. Relationship Interpretation: Idealism; expectations.
Weapons decided if you would keep your land and resources. To defend themselves, the Vikings found the use of
the Yew tree and made bows. This tree gave them the ability to defend themselves. The characteristic crackle of the wood soothed
them during the cold winter nights. Meditate on the actions necessary to defend our position in our lives and to enjoy the
things we have worked for in our "down" time. Keep learning the best ways to defend against the malicious actions of others
and strive to never be caught off-guard.
PERTHO aka Perthro- Things Unexplainable
The ability of introspection and self awareness. Relationship Interpretation:
Hidden aspects within the relationship.
We often wonder why things are still so random when science explains so much. The female end of the miracle
of life is also noted. The so called "Murphy's Law" is also a big part of this rune. Vikings often wondered why some survived
in battle that should have died. Mysteries bothered them and seemed to not have anything to do with the Goddesses. We can
meditate on this rune that there will always be things unexplainable and to hope for these mysteries to work in our favor.
ALGIZ - Protective Sanctuary
The ability to defend yourself and protect that which is nearest and dearest to you. Relationship
Interpretation: Caring and protecting.
This is the place to stay when you are in need of a safety zone. As a mirror to teiwaz, the warrior goes to
the sanctuary to reflect and heal the wounds of the battle. This is a place to feel the full pain and not to shy away, for
there is a lesson here. Meditation on this rune should involve the painful things in life and what is to be learned from the
anguish. Facing the pain will make you stronger and wiser for the next battle.
SOWULO aka Sowilo - The Sun, Giver of All Life
The source within that guides you on your path. Relationship Interpretation:
Development of individuality within the relationship.
The spiritual warrior knows where the true power of all things reigns. The life force which is felt from the
warm sun on a cold day makes itself obvious. Be aware of your essence and where life began. We are dependent on the sun which
is the ultimate ruler of all the forces. Meditate on the fact that realization of this truth can bring you to wholeness.
TEIWAZ aka Tiwaz- Spiritual Warrior
The ability of objective judgment and fairness; the potential for handling a conflict
correctly. Relationship Interpretation: Combined strength; authority; who is the boss.
This is the rune of Tyr, the god of war, and was often seen painted on the shields of many warriors in battle.
This is the protector of the warrior and the giver of victory. For meditation, this rune is best known for gaining strength
in overcoming an adversarial situation. It is also a great rune to k e ep serio us physical harm as far away as possible.
BERKANA aka Berknao- Growth
Creative abilities, nurturing and birth processes in the self. Relationship Interpretation:
Fertility; children, parental projection of the self onto the children.
A spring-like perpetual growing is the meaning of this rune. The Birch tree is highly associated with berkana
and the "b" is with smooth lips, not like saying "bird". The meditations associated would concentrate on the rapid growth
of a new situation or fertility, although inguz is also used. Problems that are treated with berkana usually come to pass
with fruitful outcomes.
EHWAZ - The Sacred Horse
Emotional responses; adaptability; subjectivity. Relationship Interpretation: Sexuality; any
joint efforts; adaptability.
Where would the viking be without their horses to take them on the long journeys. The goddess Frey had special
appreciation for these animals. The message here is to not forget the useful beast given to us for us to train to take us
to a higher level of civilization. In meditation, we focus on the tools that take us to higher levels in our lives. We thank
those responsible for making these things accessible and then we learn the use of these items to their full potential, as
if it were not for our tools, we would make little progress.
MANNAZ - The Nature of Humankind
The mind and intellectual objectivity. Relationship Interpretation: Intellectual compatibility
and mutual understanding.
The self and its place in the collective conscience of humanity is the recognition here. We are all part of
each other, made of the same things, subject to similar experiences. This is a time of personal reflection, of what it is
all about and what one person can really do for the community. Also, acknowledgment of the importance of every one self to
the greater many.
LAGUZ - Water
Your intuitive faculties and the potential for sympathetic feelings. Relationship Interpretation: Affection;
emotionality; flexibility.
All aspects of water are implied here. Flow, sea, river, lake, etc. are all one thing in the greater picture.
The mystery of the tides also imply as it was not known that the moon had such a profound influence. The flow of the water
is incorporated and respected in the human body. This is for deep meditation of higher forces and the materials that make
up the body. Cleansing is important now.
INGUZ aka Ingwaz - Fertility
The potential for individualization and integration. Relationship Interpretation: Parenthood;
integration; cooperation; unity.
Another linking to Frey, this represented the fertility of the joining of human beings. This has a direct meditative
purpose of the wanting of pregnancy. It has an associative rune of the other gender, perth. Becau se of the ultimate creative
power of this sort of unity, a lot can be learned from deep meditation on this rune.
OTHILA aka Othala- Inheritance, Usually from Separation
Your sense of being connected to your heritage and kin. Your awareness
of your ethnic origins. Relationship Interpretation: Domesticity; property; "in- laws",social life.
We inherit by our birthright. When a life's cycle ends, the next of the lineage inherits the wealth and responsibility.
Sometimes a retreat is necessary from the severity of the loss. Meditation is to take the retreat to find the true meanings
of what actions are to be taken since the influences of the past are now gone. New ideas may be introduced and tried with
the acquiring of the new items.
DAGAZ - Daylight and God's Light
The ultimate aim of transformation of one's consciousness into whatever she or he envisions
the greater whole. Relationship Interpretation: Contributions by one partner to the other's spiritual or psychological welfare.
This is the time of the light, the time to work and the period of the normal day. Christian faith had some influence
on the meaning. G-d's light is given to save man from the chaos of darkness. The meditation here is to concentrate on performing
well in the days' working hours. This is the time for labor to bring about "fruit". Use this time to do your part to make
the things around you better for the people in the community.